Category Archives: Psychology of HOA Living

HOA’s Coming Undone – What’s Hiding-In-Plain-Sight A Social-Psychology Perspective

I’ve lived in one of the largest HOA’s in Northern California (2500 homes) now for over 7 years. With a 40+ year background in mental health, my perspective is decidedly psychological, sociological and “systems.” Since living in this HOA community, I have studied its history and dynamics extensively. I have also studied the history of HOA’s throughout the USA.

What I have discovered has been disheartening and alarming. Bottom line: HOA’s do not serve their member homeowners. They serve developers, the real estate industry, legislators, the HOA Industry and the “collective narcissism” of small groups of homeowners bent on control of governance processes. HOA’s claim to serve their members, but this claim exists as lip-service only and window-dressing for the outside world.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

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